The Impact of Toothpaste on Dental Plaque and Tartar

The Impact of Toothpaste on Dental Plaque and Tartar


Toothpaste and Dental Plaque Tartar

Dental plaque and tartar are two common oral problems that can affect your teeth and gums. Dental plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on your teeth after you eat or drink.

Tartar, also known as calculus, is a hard deposit of minerals that forms when plaque is not removed regularly.

Both plaque and tartar can cause various dental issues, such as cavities, gum disease, bad breath, and tooth discoloration.

One of the best ways to prevent and remove plaque and tartar is to use the right toothpaste.

Toothpaste can help clean your teeth, tongue, and gums, and provide various benefits for your oral health.

However, not all toothpastes are equally effective or suitable for everyone. In this article, we will explore the different types of toothpastes and how they impact dental plaque and tartar.

What are the different types of toothpastes?

There are many types of toothpastes on the market that claim to offer various benefits for oral health. Some of the most common types are:

– Fluoride toothpaste: This is the most widely used type of toothpaste, as it contains fluoride, a mineral that strengthens enamel and protects teeth from decay. Fluoride works by replacing some of the hydroxyapatite molecules in your enamel with fluorapatite molecules, which are more resistant to acid¹. Fluoride toothpaste can also help remineralise your enamel after it has been eroded by acids.

– Tartar control toothpaste: This is a type of toothpaste that contains ingredients such as zinc citrate or pyrophosphate that can prevent or reduce the formation of tartar on your teeth. Tartar control toothpaste works by delaying the calcification of plaque on your teeth, allowing you more time to remove the plaque through normal brushing².

– Whitening toothpaste: This is a type of toothpaste that contains abrasives or bleaching agents that can remove surface stains and discoloration from your teeth. Whitening toothpaste works by scrubbing away or breaking down the molecules that cause stains on your enamel³. However, whitening toothpaste does not work on intrinsic stains, which are those that are embedded in the enamel or dentin layers of your teeth.

– Sensitivity relief toothpaste: This is a type of toothpaste that contains ingredients such as potassium nitrate or strontium chloride that can reduce the pain or discomfort caused by sensitive teeth. Sensitivity relief toothpaste works by blocking the nerve signals that trigger pain when your teeth are exposed to hot, cold, sweet, or sour stimuli⁴.

– Herbal toothpaste: This is a type of toothpaste that contains natural ingredients derived from plants, such as herbs, spices, fruits, or oils. Herbal toothpaste claims to offer various benefits for oral health, such as whitening, freshening, soothing, or healing. However, herbal toothpaste may not be regulated or tested for safety or quality by official authorities.

How do different types of toothpastes impact dental plaque and tartar?

Different types of toothpastes have different impacts on dental plaque and tartar. Here are some of them:

– Fluoride toothpaste: This type of toothpaste can help prevent and remove plaque and tartar by strengthening your enamel and making it more resistant to acid attack. Fluoride toothpaste can also help remineralise your enamel after it has been eroded by acids. However, fluoride toothpaste may not be enough to remove all the plaque and tartar from your teeth, especially if you have poor oral hygiene or other factors that contribute to plaque buildup.

– Tartar control toothpaste: This type of toothpaste can help prevent and reduce tartar formation by delaying the calcification of plaque on your teeth. Tartar control toothpaste can also help remove some of the existing tartar from your teeth by loosening it or making it easier to brush off. However, tartar control toothpaste may not be able to remove all the tartar from your teeth, especially if it has hardened over time or accumulated in hard-to-reach areas.

– Whitening toothpaste: This type of toothpaste can help remove surface stains and discoloration from your teeth by scrubbing away or breaking down the molecules that cause stains on your enamel. Whitening toothpaste can also help remove some of the plaque and tartar from your teeth by polishing them and making them smoother and shinier. However, whitening toothpaste may not be able to whiten intrinsic stains or prevent cavities or gum disease.

– Sensitivity relief toothpaste: This type of toothpaste can help reduce the pain or discomfort caused by sensitive teeth by blocking the nerve signals that trigger pain when your teeth are exposed to hot, cold, sweet, or sour stimuli. Sensitivity relief toothpaste can also help protect your enamel and dentin from further damage by creating a barrier over the exposed areas. However, sensitivity relief toothpaste may not be able to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth or prevent them from forming.

– Herbal toothpaste: This type of toothpaste may offer various benefits for oral health, such as whitening, freshening, soothing, or healing, by using natural ingredients derived from plants. Herbal toothpaste may also help remove plaque and tartar from your teeth by using abrasives or antibacterial agents that can scrub away or kill the bacteria in your mouth. However, herbal toothpaste may not be as effective or safe as regular toothpaste, as it may not contain fluoride or other essential minerals, or it may contain harmful contaminants or allergens.

How to choose the best toothpaste for your dental plaque and tartar?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to choosing a toothpaste for your dental plaque and tartar. Different products may suit different people depending on their oral conditions, goals, and preferences.

Here are some tips on how to choose the best toothpaste for your dental plaque and tartar:

– Consult your dentist: Your dentist can diagnose the cause and severity of your dental plaque and tartar and recommend the most suitable product or treatment for you. They can also monitor the results and side effects of using any new toothpaste, especially if you have any existing dental problems or concerns.

– Check the ingredients: You should read the label of the toothpaste and see what ingredients it contains and how much of them are present. You should avoid any ingredients that you are allergic or sensitive to or that may harm your teeth or gums. You should also look for ingredients that can benefit your oral health, such as fluoride, minerals, or herbs.

– Try different products: You may need to try different products and see what works best for you and your teeth. You may also want to switch between different types of toothpastes depending on your needs or preferences. For example, you may use a fluoride toothpaste in the morning to prevent cavities and a whitening toothpaste in the evening to remove stains.


Toothpaste can help prevent and remove plaque and tartar from your teeth by cleaning your teeth, tongue, and gums, and by providing various benefits for your oral health.

However, not all toothpastes are equally effective or suitable for everyone. There are different types of toothpastes, such as fluoride, tartar control, whitening, sensitivity relief, and herbal toothpastes. Each type has its own pros and cons when it comes to impacting dental plaque and tartar.

The best way to choose a toothpaste for your dental plaque and tartar is to consult your dentist and follow their recommendations.

They can advise you on the most suitable product or treatment for your oral condition and goal. They can also help you maintain good oral hygiene and prevent further plaque and tartar buildup or damage to your teeth.


(1) How to remove plaque and tartar: Best home treatments – Medical News Today.

(2) Protection against Plaque & Tartar with Oral-B anti tartar Toothpaste ….

(3) How to Remove Plaque & Tartar | Oral-B.

(4) Using Tartar Control Toothpaste For Healthy Teeth And Gums – Colgate.

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