The Role of Toothpaste in Preventing Gum Disease

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The Role of Toothpaste in Preventing Gum Disease


The Role of Toothpaste to Prevent Gum Disease.

Gum disease is a common condition that affects the gums and the tissues that support the teeth. It can cause inflammation, bleeding, bad breath, and tooth loss if left untreated.

According to the NHS, one in four adults in the UK have untreated gum disease, and one in three children have tooth decay by the time they start school¹.

One of the most effective and easy ways to prevent and treat gum disease is to use toothpaste. Toothpaste is a paste or gel that is used to clean the teeth with a toothbrush.

Toothpaste has two main functions: to mechanically remove plaque and food debris from the teeth, and to deliver active ingredients that prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

In this article, we will explain how toothpaste works and what are its benefits for your gum health.

How does ‘Toothpaste to Prevent Gum Disease’ work?

Toothpaste works by combining mechanical and chemical actions to clean and protect the teeth.

The mechanical action is provided by the abrasives and detergents in the toothpaste, which physically remove plaque and stains from the teeth surface. Plaque is a sticky film that constantly forms on the teeth and contains millions of bacteria.

Some bacteria in plaque are harmless, but some are harmful for the health of your gums. If you do not remove plaque from your teeth by brushing them regularly, it builds up and irritates your gums.

This can lead to redness, swelling, bleeding, and soreness. This early stage of gum disease is known as gingivitis.

The chemical action is provided by the active ingredients in the toothpaste, which chemically interact with the teeth and saliva to prevent decay and disease.

The most common active ingredient in toothpaste is fluoride, which is a mineral that strengthens the enamel and protects it from acid erosion. Fluoride also helps to re-mineralize the enamel and repair early stages of tooth decay.

Fluoride is added to most toothpastes in different forms, such as sodium fluoride, sodium monofluorophosphate, or stannous fluoride.

The recommended concentration of fluoride in toothpaste is 1000 to 1500 parts per million (ppm) for adults and 500 to 1000 ppm for children².

Other active ingredients that may be found in toothpaste include:

Anti-plaque agents:

These are substances that help to reduce the formation of plaque and tartar on the teeth. Tartar is hardened plaque that can only be removed by a dentist or hygienist.

Anti-plaque agents work by either inhibiting the growth of bacteria or preventing them from sticking to the teeth. Some examples of anti-plaque agents are zinc citrate, triclosan, or green tea extract.

Anti-gingivitis agents:

These are substances that help to prevent or treat gingivitis, which is a mild form of gum disease that causes inflammation and bleeding of the gums.

Anti-gingivitis agents work by either reducing the inflammation or killing the bacteria that cause it. Some examples of anti-gingivitis agents are triclosan, chlorhexidine, or essential oils.

Anti-sensitivity agents:

These are substances that help to reduce or manage sensitivity, which is a condition where the teeth become painful or uncomfortable when exposed to hot, cold, sweet, or sour stimuli.

Sensitivity occurs when the enamel wears away or the gums recede, exposing the underlying dentin layer. Dentin contains tiny tubules that connect to the nerves inside the teeth. When these tubules are exposed to external stimuli, they trigger a sensation of pain or discomfort in the teeth.

Anti-sensitivity agents work by either blocking these tubules or interfering with the nerve activity. Some examples of anti-sensitivity agents are potassium nitrate, strontium chloride, arginine, or calcium carbonate.

What are the benefits of toothpaste for gum health?

Toothpaste provides an additional layer of protection against dental decay and plaque buildup, which are major causes of gum disease. Some of the benefits of toothpaste for gum health are:

It prevents gingivitis:

By removing plaque from your teeth and delivering fluoride and other anti-plaque or anti-gingivitis agents, toothpaste helps to prevent gingivitis from developing or progressing.

Gingivitis can be reversed if treated early enough.

It reduces inflammation and bleeding:

By reducing plaque formation and delivering anti-inflammatory or antibacterial agents, toothpaste helps to reduce inflammation and bleeding of the gums caused by gingivitis or periodontitis.

Periodontitis is a severe form of gum disease that affects more tissues that support teeth and hold them in place.

It freshens breath:

By removing bacteria and food particles from your teeth and delivering freshening agents such as peppermint extract or xylitol, toothpaste helps to freshen your breath and improve your oral hygiene.

Bad breath is often a sign of gum disease or other dental problems.

It improves appearance:

By removing stains and discoloration from your teeth and delivering whitening agents such as hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, toothpaste helps to improve the appearance of your smile and boost your confidence.

Stained teeth can be caused by factors such as smoking, drinking coffee, or aging.

How to choose the best toothpaste for your gum health?

When choosing a toothpaste for your gum health, you need to consider several factors such as your oral health condition, your personal preference, and your environmental impact.

Here are some tips on how to choose the best toothpaste for your gum health:

Look for the ADA seal of acceptance:

The ADA seal of acceptance is a voluntary program that evaluates the safety and effectiveness of oral care products.

If a toothpaste has the ADA seal of acceptance, it means that it meets the ADA criteria for quality and performance.

You can trust that a toothpaste with the ADA seal of acceptance will not harm your teeth or gums and will deliver the results that it claims. You can find a list of ADA-accepted toothpastes on the ADA website.

Look for natural and organic ingredients:

If you want to avoid synthetic chemicals and enjoy a natural and eco-friendly smile, you should look for toothpastes that contain natural and organic ingredients that are derived from plants, minerals, or animals.

Some examples of natural and organic ingredients are coconut oil, baking soda, xylitol, green tea extract, or essential oils. You should also look for certifications from reputable organizations, such as USDA Organic, Ecocert, or COSMOS, that verify the quality and origin of the ingredients.

Look for anti-plaque and anti-gingivitis options:

If you have plaque or gingivitis, you should look for toothpastes that contain anti-plaque or anti-gingivitis agents that reduce the formation of plaque and tartar and prevent gum inflammation.

Some examples of anti-plaque or anti-gingivitis agents are zinc citrate, triclosan, chlorhexidine, or green tea extract.

Look for other benefits:

Besides the basic functions of cleaning and protecting your teeth, some toothpastes may offer other benefits that suit your oral health needs and preferences.

For example, if you have sensitivity, you may want to use a toothpaste that contains anti-sensitivity agents that help to block the tubules in the dentin and reduce the nerve transmission.

Some examples of anti-sensitivity agents are potassium nitrate, strontium chloride, arginine, or calcium carbonate.


Toothpaste is one of the most essential products for maintaining oral hygiene and preventing dental problems. By using toothpaste regularly, you can enjoy the benefits of cleaner, healthier, and whiter teeth. However,

toothpaste alone is not enough to ensure optimal gum health. You also need to follow other oral care practices:

  • such as flossing daily,
  • visiting your dentist regularly,
  • eating a balanced diet,
  • and avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol.

We hope this article has helped you understand how toothpaste works and what are its benefits for your gum health. If you want to learn more about oral hygiene products or dental care tips,

Check out our Gum disease prevention Toothpastes at We offer a wide range of information and resources on toothpaste and other dental care products that can help you improve your smile and your health.


(1) Gum disease – NHS.

(2) Gum disease – Illnesses & conditions | NHS inform.

(3) Gum disease – NHS.

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