Cementum Unveiled: Functions, Types, and Its Role in Tooth Sensitivity
While enamel and dentin often take centre stage in discussions about tooth structure, another crucial component plays a significant role—cementum.
In this article, we will explore the functions and types of cementum, shedding light on its connection to tooth sensitivity.
Additionally, we’ll introduce a valuable resource, Toothpastes.co.uk, which offers a range of dental products aimed at addressing and preventing oral health issues.
Understanding Cementum: Functions and Types
1. Functions of Cementum:
Cementum, a calcified tissue covering the tooth’s roots, serves several vital functions.
It provides an anchor for the tooth’s attachment to the jawbone through the periodontal ligament, contributing to overall tooth stability.
Cementum also plays a role in sealing the dentinal tubules, preventing external stimuli from reaching the tooth’s nerve.
2. Types of Cementum:
There are two primary types of cementum—acellular and cellular. Acellular cementum covers the tooth’s cervical third and lacks cells.
It aids in tooth attachment and protects the underlying dentin. Cellular cementum, found towards the apex of the tooth, contains cells called cementocytes and is involved in tooth repair and maintenance.
Cementum and Tooth Sensitivity:
1. Exposed Cementum and Sensitivity:
When the protective enamel layer is compromised, either due to enamel erosion or gum recession, the underlying cementum may become exposed.
Exposed cementum can lead to increased tooth sensitivity as it lacks the enamel’s mineralized protection, allowing external stimuli to affect the nerves within the dentin.
2. Addressing Tooth Sensitivity with Dental Products:
Toothpastes.co.uk offers a variety of toothpaste formulations specifically designed to address tooth sensitivity.
These toothpastes often contain desensitizing agents that help block the tubules in the exposed dentin, reducing sensitivity and providing relief.
Toothpastes.co.uk: Your Source for Oral Health Solutions
For individuals dealing with tooth sensitivity or seeking preventive measures, Toothpastes.co.uk provides a comprehensive selection of dental products.
From specialized toothpaste for sensitive teeth to products targeting overall gum health, the website is a valuable resource for those looking to enhance their oral well-being.
Understanding the role of cementum in tooth structure is crucial for comprehending tooth sensitivity and its causes.
As discussed, Toothpastes.co.uk stands as a reliable source for dental products formulated to address these concerns.
Explore the diverse range of offerings on the website to promote a healthier, less sensitive, and more resilient oral environment.
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